Dyslexia Diagnostics
Dyslexia Diagnostics offers the opportunity to investigate an individual’s learning profile though a comprehensive assessment process. This can be done in a range of ways dependant on the age of the individual and what the assessment is for.
Please see the 'Services' page for more information on the types of assessment available.

About the Assessor:
Melanie Strachan
Mel Strachan has worked in special needs since 1999 in both primary and secondary settings. She currently practices as a part time SENCO in a large Dorset secondary school and uses the rest of the working week to conduct private assessments.
Working in a school ensures that her report recommendations for schools are appropriate, viable and are a reasonable adjustment in classrooms. The SENCo role also means that she has relevant working knowledge of a wide range of special needs, some of which co-occur with dyslexia.
Follow a teaching an initial degree and research masters, she later completed her post graduate diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties at Southampton University in 2010 and became an associate member of the British Dyslexia Association. Mel secured her Assessment Practicing Certificate with PATOSS (Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties) in 2012 and remains accredited with this regulatory body. In 2015 Mel was awarded the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership through Winchester University.